Quality Construction Services


It is Credit Union EduCruises desire to provide credit union leaders a unique educational venue to learn and network with one another. Secondly, we, the Founders and Strategic Partners of CU EduCruises, enjoy the opportunity to combine exciting cruise adventures and credit union specific learning into a memorable experience for credit union leaders where they can develop both personally and professionally.

Our Credit Union Cruise/Conference programs have evolved the past few years to becoming a credit union industry leader in qualitative programming and adventure travel. We are proud that we have over 75 combined years of credit union industry experience working for credit union organizations, and as members. Our expertise in designing executive and elected leadership development programs allows us to facilitate state of the art and competency-based cruise training programs.

We encourage you to browse our site, get to know us, and see for yourself the learning and adventure opportunities that await you and your credit union’s leadership team. You have our commitment for World Class Credit Union Cruising and Learning.
We Hope to CU Onboard!